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Make Pancakes from Scratch


Are you using pancake mix and only to end up with the tough, flat, and downright wrong pancakes? Then a mix should not dictate the outcome of that of your pancakes. With the right technique, they must come out to be as good as they were from the scratch. The pancake mix must include the basic ingredients that will go in any pancake recipe. It is just done ahead of time in order to make things easy when you make pancakes from scratch. Use the following tips and if ever they do not come out good, then find for the new mix.

You will need to mix few wet ingredients or just milk or water, into with the mix. Mix these together with the ingredients first in the separate bowl. Then you can pour the pancake mix into the sifter first in order to make sure that there will be no lumps. You do not need to stir it since this is already well-combined. Then try to pour it into the bowl and then pour those wet ingredients over the top. Pouring the wet ingredients right over the top will help keep the flour from flying over the place when you are to mix it together. Stirring them gently should be able to help keep the flour into the bowl.

It is best not to stir it that much. Stirring the pancake batter too much can ruin the pancakes with no fix other than dumping it and then starting over. When you are to mix it much, you can start to break up the gluten which make the batter become gluey resulting in the chewy and tough pancakes. They must be light, tender and fluffy. It does not take much long to stir completely. Just stir it very gently right until it will look better. Some of the lumps are just fine and in fact few lumps can be a good sign that you mixed it enough. They will be able to dissolve or cook out later.

Lastly, make sure to use some extra steps. Some of the pancake mixes will actually have two sets of the directions. One will say to add water and other will say to add mile, egg, etc for the better taste. But basically, if you are to add extra ingredients, then your pancakes will probably will taste better. The water version will eventually work, but it will not taste great. See details here!

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